TIME’S UP x Alja Horvat


I was asked to collaborate with Society6 x TIME’S UP along with another 12 wonderful artists to create an artwork to raise awareness.
The artwork I did for them can be purchased here
*A portion of all proceeds will directly support the organization’s vision of a world that insists upon safe, fair and dignified work for women of all kinds.

“As a woman I feel that there is sometimes unnecessary competition between us and instead of bringing each other down we should cheer for each other and we should fight together. We should fight against all the wrong things that are happening to all of us because the more you give the more you receive.

Growing up in a world where the mindset is that we (women) are not smart enough or important enough is hard and tiring and I’m so happy this is finally changing. I’m embracing equality with both hands wide open.”

Click here to meet all the twelve amazing artists and their artworks for TIME’S UP project